What’s Littering your Life?
Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash What do you think of this picture? What are the thoughts that immediately spring to mind when you see a pile of rubbish like this, littered all over the path? Are you thinking 'what a mess!' or 'who would actually do that?' or 'about time the Council picked all […]
View from my Window-January
So here we are again, in 2024! Another festive season draws to a close. It's time to prepare to return to the routines of life... The view from my window today, 2nd January, is not a pretty sight to be honest. We are in the middle of another named storm, today's one is named 'Storm […]
View from my Window – April
So here we are -in the changeable month of April 2024 It's been a mixed bag so far this month, some days it's been warm enough to not wear a warm coat, other days it's been very wintery! I wanted to write about what it feels like sometimes in life when you don't know what […]
View from my Window – June
The view from my window today isn't the same as the picture ,unfortunately-I don't live near anywhere as beautiful! I wanted to write a bit about the upcoming Summer, seeing as it's June and that's when our thoughts turn to thinking about gong on holiday, if we are able to. My favourite memories of summer […]

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